- Parties! I have already been to a few birthday parties this summer and there will be more!
- Reading program! I get to read in the Ramsey County Library program and when I read 20 hours, I get prizes! And it's awesome!
- Softball/Baseball! I am playing softball this year and it's fun! We are the Blueberry Bombers and we are having a great season!
- Hanging out with friends! I have been having fun with my friends at park program and have played with a bunch of my friends this summer.
- I went to Girl Scout Day Camp last week and it was awesome! We got to go swimming every day, which was AWESOME!
- Movies!
- And FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, people, believe me.
Now for the second news of the day. WE'RE GOING TO CHICAGO! WE'RE GOING TO CHICAGO! HA HA HA HA HA, YOU MAYBE AREN'T! Sorry if I made you guys feel bad. And we get to go to a bunch of different places when we get there, but I forget what they are called. You know that I do pay attention in language arts, but sometimes it's hard to remember how hard English is.
And for the ending news - HAVE A GREAT SUMMER, PEOPLE!!!!!!! And our ending joke for the day: Why couldn't the skeleton cross the road? He didn't have the guts to do it! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Funny, huh?
See you next time on the greatest game show ever, even if it isn't a game show!