Monday, August 2, 2010

Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, oh my!!!!

Hello citizens of our lovely world.(That doesn't inculed Benster, he's from the planet Botobioh...)
I've got news for y'all!!!!!!!!:-) I, Fearless Maria, and my family will be traveling to Ohio and on our way back we'll stop in Chicago!!!OH YEAH! This FABU event will happen later this week.

Well, if I stopped here it would be pointless, so I'm now going to do a new thing on this wonderful Blog!!!!!!! Can you guess it???Here, unscramble this word: oeytrp

Poetry!!!!!!:-)!!!!!!And all written by Fearless MARIA! All right, our 1st poem today is simply a poem of no specific kind. It's called:

100 Eyes By Fearless Maria
Walk up to the front,
stiff as a board.
Try to look just fine,
100 eyes staring at me.
Okay, 2nd poem and last. :-(
IT! By Fearless Maria
IT! I saw it from a view.
THAT! It sat near twigs few.
THING! It slipped in dew!
GONE! At it I threw a shoe.
That was a Quatrain poem. Anyway, I hope you like my poems!!!!STAY TUNED!!!!
Lastly, our ending joke, made up by me. What's an appraiser's favorite song? For What It's Worth.
Happy Trails, all!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Learning, and still living!

Hello, my fellow friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, guess where I was this week:

GIRL SCOUT DAY CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, that's not totally true, speaking I slept over one night. But there are some things that I learned, and would like to mention. (Okay, fine, I realize all you old people probably know these things, unless you live under a rock like Patrick Star, but you can recall them.) So I'm makin' a list, and checking it twice.

  • Sometimes, what you want isn't always as fun or good as it seems.
  • A head held too high causes a whiplash.(I nor nobody got a whiplash, but I think someone, not me, held there head too high and could have gotten a Snidley.)
  • You don't fully know someone until you've spent 5 days with them. Until then, beware good or bad surprises.
  • Somethings are best to keep to yourself, even if they're true.
  • Making your age friends can be more rewarding than older ones, so you should try both.


  • How to set up a tent
  • More tips on how to start a fire
  • Archery
  • Badmitten
  • Swimming stuff
  • Don't trust Bob and Rita (inside joke)

Well, that's about it . The main thing is that I had fun at camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now for our ending joke! What did the mushroom say to his friends that wouldn't let him play baseball?Hey, I'm a fungi! (fun guy) (I didn't not make this one up.)


-Fearless Maria PS: I realize not all spelling is correct.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Greetings, my fellow readers! I promised I'd write again, right?

Anyway, you should check out this website, because I got most of my science fair info from there!

FEEL THE HORROR PEOPLE? THESE PLANTS ARE NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hello again, world.

I am truly sorry for not blogging in almost a year. Please accept my appology.

(sorry if I spell something wrong, I'm doing this post alone.)

So, I guess you'd like to hear some news! My 4 grade teacher is Mr. Bush, and he's a trickster! More tricky than Benster coming into my room last night and shouting in my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(If you are wondering how I'm doing in school, I'll let you know the lowest grade I got was a B.)
All of my other teachers are more fun than a grizzly bear as well.

Well, I have to go to school today anyway, so I'll cut this one short.