And all you folks - you'd better! Look at the cute Rudolph next to you! Hey hey hey! What's up with you? Don't call him Pinocchio! It's okay, little buddy Rudolph. If they want to pick on someone, next time they'll think twice and pick on Godzilla.
See, watch out, here comes Godzilla! For real! See? All right, now let's hear the jolly part!
Where are you going for Christmas, folks? Hopefully not anywhere that Godzilla is, or inside a computer virus. What would you like for Christmas? I bet all the grownups want a nice, smooth coffee mug. Ooh, how about one that says, "I Like Fearless Maria and About Me?" That would be a really thoughtful gift, don't you think?
I bet all the kids love to play in the snow. Well, of course they do. Well, most of them. I sure do. And the grownups are sitting there shoveling and feeling like a prune. What do you have on top of your Christmas tree? Do you have a cheeseburger? Do you have a tankful of guppies? And how would that balance on top of a Christmas tree? That would be pretty tricky, don't you think?
Hey, look - maybe you have a star that says "Joy to the World, the Joy Joy Joy," with a thousand other joys behind that. Have you peeked at your presents? Don't be a naughty little girl or boy.
Now let's hear from our guest stuffed animal, Chubby.
Hewwo, my name is Chubby! The dog. Excuse me, is this microphone working? I'm twyying to do my interview, so cut it out, Marvin the Martian! Oh, sowwy sowwy sowwy. What I want for Chwistmas is the newest version of Frosty Paws! I take my Frosty Paws and dip them in mozzarella cheese. And cheddoh. And then I would also wike a twampoline that looks like a T-Bone Steak. That would be awesome! Do you have a pet at home? What is its name? Is it Wubba Wobba Weeba? Is it Cuwly Ball? I'd wove to know. So pwease send a cowment. Bye bye, folks!
Thank you very much, Chubby! We'll see you next time on the Fearless Maria Show!