So, guess where I was this week:
GIRL SCOUT DAY CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, that's not totally true, speaking I slept over one night. But there are some things that I learned, and would like to mention. (Okay, fine, I realize all you old people probably know these things, unless you live under a rock like Patrick Star, but you can recall them.) So I'm makin' a list, and checking it twice.
- Sometimes, what you want isn't always as fun or good as it seems.
- A head held too high causes a whiplash.(I nor nobody got a whiplash, but I think someone, not me, held there head too high and could have gotten a Snidley.)
- You don't fully know someone until you've spent 5 days with them. Until then, beware good or bad surprises.
- Somethings are best to keep to yourself, even if they're true.
- Making your age friends can be more rewarding than older ones, so you should try both.
- How to set up a tent
- More tips on how to start a fire
- Archery
- Badmitten
- Swimming stuff
- Don't trust Bob and Rita (inside joke)
Well, that's about it . The main thing is that I had fun at camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now for our ending joke! What did the mushroom say to his friends that wouldn't let him play baseball?Hey, I'm a fungi! (fun guy) (I didn't not make this one up.)
-Fearless Maria PS: I realize not all spelling is correct.