Sunday, June 24, 2012

Quick Advice and a Bad Joke

Hey people! I just want to give you all some quick advice this morning:

  • Don't upset the apple cart at the farmer's market, or anywhere else
  • Stay hungry, stay foolish, but don't do both at the same time by having a baconater and large fries
  • Believe in yourself, even if that is a dangerous task
  • Don't try to look stupid unless you plan to act stupid along with it (this often works with young boys)
  • Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes, but if they're pacifists don't shoot at all
  • Remember the rules of the road-no one likes swearing getting out of hand since that's all TV shows
  • Just be yourself! It is the one subject the nerds pass but the popular kids fail...well that and maybe others
Read this blog!


Sorry, poet's block!


Q: How do you get kicked out of the universe?

A: If an astronaut is mad at you!

Yeah, sorry that's so bad...

See ya later!

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